Healing Sounds

Improve your health and well-being through the power of sound therapy. Relax with a sound bath in a tranquil and welcoming group setting. Current weekly session in Hemyock in Devon, and monthly dates in Queen Camel, Curry Rivel and Pitney in Somerset. Go to Contact page or click below for more details.

”Switching my brain off from normal life.”

- participant, Kingsbridge Sep23


I am a British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) qualified practitioner offering group Sound Baths in Somerset, the South West and beyond. Using a range of specialist instruments, I aim to enhance your overall health and well-being.

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”It was a lovely balance of sound and vibration, I really relaxed, thank you!”

- participant, Curry Rivel Jun23

”A wonderful calmness, serenity and meditative state”

- participant, Frome Sep23

”I loved the gong - my stiff neck went away”

- participant, Tonbridge Oct23

What is a Sound Bath?

Who is it for?

What are the benefits?

A group sound bath is a session of 30-45 minutes led by a trained sound therapist who plays specialist instruments in particular ways and in a specific sequence to help induce a feeling of relaxation and sometimes a meditative state. Instruments include the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan bowls, a gong, crystals bowls and therapeutic percussion using different scores that have been refined by BAST since 1994. You will arrive at the venue and find a space either on the floor (using a yoga mat) or seated if preferred. We recommend bringing a cushion and a blanket to make yourself comfortable, though there will be some available if you forget. Following an introduction, the therapist will ask you to close your eyes and speak gently for a few minutes and then start to play the instruments in the order, and for the period of time, as described. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session, either within the group or personally to the therapist. If, for any reason, you are not comfortable during the session you are welcome to leave quietly. Most people find the sessions send them into a deep relaxed state, others might fall asleep, and sometimes people describe having waking dreams. But there is no right or wrong - this is your time and everyone responds differently. We recommend booking a series of soundbaths if you feel able to do so as this will improve the impact on your body and mind.

A soundbath can be beneficial for any age from 16 years upwards. You do not need to be in a particular state of physical health as there is no movement involved in the session, though if you have any concerns please do ask before booking the session.

Pregnancy: at the moment we do not treat women who are less than three months' pregnant. This is standard requirement for insurance purposes across most holistic practices. If you are after your first trimester it is advised that you do not lie down flat on your back (or front) or on a horizontal couch. Do ask if you are not sure.

Mental Health: please do make sure that your therapist is made aware of any mental health issues you think might be relevant such as severe depression or bi-polar. There is no reason why you still cannot attend unless you or the therapist has concerns.

Epilepsy/Seizure: if you have epilepsy or seizure that you believe could be sound triggered we may ask you for consent from your GP to attend a sound bath.

Metal Limbs: please that the sound vibrations can affect any metal that you have within your body. Generally this is not a problem but you do need to make the therapist aware and can of course leave if this becomes uncomfortable.

Tinnitus: people with tinnitus do attend sound baths and there have been fairly frequent occasions where the tinnitus disappears during the session, though this is not a permanent cure.

The benefits of a sound bath can be numerous and profound. There is research on the benefits to those with tiredness, sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression as well as physical ailments such as soreness in the body and headaches. This is a growing field and sound vibrations, like listening to music can help clear your mind, make you feel rested, focused and increase your creative thinking. Mainly though, the idea is that this is time for you to be with yourself in a friendly and safe group environment and experience the sounds in your own unique way.